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Title: 10 Questions to ask when considering a financial and/or business system (103.04 KB)      - Click here to download
These are the need to know top 10 questions that you must answer before committing to any software solution.
Title: 10 Reasons Why software integration is important to your business (127.65 KB)      - Click here to download
Software integration is one of the most talked about subjects in business technology right now-but why is it so important? Here are just 10 reasons why integrating your business systems will save you time and money.
Title: 30 Reasons to Change Your Current Software (145.52 KB)      - Click here to download
Are you happy with your current software? Not looking to change? Cant think of any reasons to change? If you are thinking this way take a look at this list and you may just change your mind.
Title: Cost Calculator for New Software (468.88 KB)      - Click here to download
A very useful FREE tool to help calculate and analyse the true total cost of different software options for your business.
Title: Current Trends in Business Accounting Software (153.83 KB)      - Click here to download
Do you want to know what direction accounting software is heading and the technology and functionality now demanded by savvy companies? This brief document summarises the top trends in accounting software right now. Can your current software keep pace with this changing technology? Is your company benefiting from the best technology and functionality that your competitors may be enjoying to gain a competitive advantage?
Title: Current Trends in CRM Software (173.65 KB)      - Click here to download
Customer Relationship Management is vital especially in tough economic times when good customers can be scarce. What are you doing to manage your customers and provide the best service possible? Are you doing as much as your competitors who are probably working out ways right now to take your best customers from you!? A good CRM system is no longer a luxury-it is a necessity. This brief document highlights the current trends in CRM technology that will give your business the edge.  
Title: Is it time to change your financial management software? (129.58 KB)      - Click here to download
Are you still hanging on to that old software? Has it become like an old friend that you are familiar with and don't want to change? You NEED to take a look at this paper that asks 26 questions about your current system that will tell you if you need to move on to a more modern and advanced solution.
Title: MERCO Brochure (737.11 KB)      - Click here to download
Detailed info on Merco the web based accounting software that delivers fully integrated business management including employee time sheets and budget management, with detailed cost break downs.
Title: MERCO Data Sheet (440.93 KB)      - Click here to download
Brief outline of features in Merco
Title: Merco Point Release - V4.3.6.0 (36.68 KB)      - Click here to download
Merco Point Release - V4.3.6.0
Featured Customer
"We're very happy with the service. Right from the start, Merco have been there whenever we've needed them."
Abilities Group




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